Gaia Vianello

Gaia Vianello


She was born in Venice in 1980. She's been working for 8 years now as an expert of gender studies and migrations. After graduating in Development policies from University of Paris, in 2008 she achieved a master on International Migrations in Venezia. Between 2007 and 2009, she worked in Morocco as a project manager for "Migration for development". Between 2009 and 2010 she worked as spokesperson for ARCI in Lebanon, coordinating four gender projects to sthrenghten women's associations in the war zones. She is author of "Aicha is back", a documentary about emigrant women coming back to Marocco and director, along with Lisa Tormena, of "This is not Paradise", about the life of immigrant maids in Lebanon. Now, she's working “Les amoureux des bancs publics”, a documentary about street art and public spaces in Tunisia. She works in Ca' Foscari university in Venezia for some international ONGs.