Valeria Testagrossa
She was born in Bergamo in 1986, she graduated in Visual Art from the Performing Arts Faculty of University of Bologna. She worked as a photographer for Médécins Sans Frontières in South-East Asia and for other ONGs all over the world. After having achieved a Master in media journalism and documentary production from University of Westminster in London. In 2011 she started working as filmmaker and fixer for The Guardian, with Mustafa Khalili and Jack Shenker on many stories, also on the article awarded with One World Media Award in 2012, "Nato units left 61 migrants to die of hunger and thirst". She also wrote for Il Manifesto and Nena News. She worked for Teleimmagini on Striplife, (2013, 64', co-directed with Nicola Grignani, Luca Scaffidi, Alberto Mussolini and Andrea Zambelli), an award-winning documentary. Toghether with Andrea Zambelli and Andrea Zanoli, she co-directed "L'arte dello spostamento". She also worked for Channel4 and BBC.