Eyes on the wall
Survey and report about street art in Italy

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The film is a self-produced documentary about Italian street art. In this documentary there are interviews to writers and art critics, artists at work, with focuses on specific painted walls in many Italian cities.
Like U.S.A., street art in Italy has had a deep link with hip hop culture since ‘80s. This tendency mixed with Italian muralism, that has an important tradition. Unlike U.S.A., street art In Italy has been an argument of modest interest for art critics and historians, being mostly analysed by sociologists (as a vandalic phenomenon and expression of social unease) and bloggers.
In recent years – and mostly in 2014 – the Italian scene changed, and street art started being used for requalification of critical urban areas and peripheries. Several festival and important projects developed along the whole country, like FAME Festival in Grottaglie (Taranto), M.U.Ro. and SanBa in Rome, Picturin and B.Art in Turin, etc. with the participation of international artists as Blu, Millo, Alice Pasquini, Vhils, Ron English and Liquen. This documentary is meant as a research to explore all these aspects, still underrated.
Editing: Alessandro Giovanelli, Antonio Libutti
Cinematography: Giorgio Muscetta, Antonio Soda, Martina Stefanelli, Gerardo Sicuro, Alessandro Giovanelli, Antonio Libutti, Chiara Alivernini, Renato Nassi
Cast: Michela Santomauro, Antonio Chieppa, Mariana Genovese, Riccardo Gallucci
Soundtrack: Ricky Cardelli, Dj Kambo, Funk Rimini, Apes on Tapes, Nocivielementi&Dj Devasto, Zaro33, Ibn Al Youssef
Language: Italian
Film festivals
- 5 Pointz Italy. Festival delle culture metropolitane (Polignano a Mare, Campomarino, Lucera, Copertino, 2016)
- Abriola Street Art Festival (Abriola, 2016)
- Subsidenze Street Art Festival (15/9/2017, Ravenna)
- Momart Gallery (Matera, 21/12/2019, 11-12/1/2020)