Blooming in the Desert

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After the defeat of the so-called Islamic State in Syria, Raqqa was born again. Though this time women are leading the change and are building a new future for the city. The same city that was known all over the world for being the “capital” of ISIS where violence and atrocities were committed on a daily basis.
Raqqa is way more than this. It has been for centuries a very important crossoroad in Syria, and now is looking for a comeback.
Blooming in the desert is a short-doc which talks about this change by following three women who never before thought they could be involved in society and in the political organizing. In fact, before ISIS the Ba’ath regime has secluded women from entering properly public life. Now Maryam leads the “Women’s administration office, Awaft works in the municipality, while Hind is a singer and a musician and is taking part in a band.
Starring: Maryam Ibrahim, Awatef Al Issa, Hind Abdulaziz
Camera: Benedetta Argentieri, Sara A. de Ceano-Vivas Núñez, Dani Ellis
Extra footage: Azad Avdike
Editing: Azad Avdike, Matteo Mossi
Audio and color postproduction : Claudio Cadei, Luigi D'Alife
Translation and subtitles: Xebat Abbas, Roberto Zinzi
Production: Banos Film, OpenDDB, Possibile Film
Language: Arabo
Genre: Human rights and conflicts
Year: 2020
Running time: 30 minutes
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