The Harvest – Punjabi Release

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Gurwinder comes from Punjab, he’s been working for years as a farm hand in Agro Pontino, not far from Rome. Since he first came in Italy, he’s been living with the rest of the Sikh community in Latina province. Hardeep is also Indian, but her stress is Roman, and she works as a cultural mediator.
She, born and raised in Italy, is trying to free herself from the memories of a family that emigrated in another age, while he is forced, against his faith, to take methamphetamine and doping to bear the heavy work pace, to be able to send money in India.
A docu-musical that, for the first time, combines the documentary and the traditional Punjabi choreographies, to show the humiliation of the workers in the fields, exploited by the gang-masters. Two stories intertwining, during one day, from the work in the fields from the first hours of the morning to the evening prayer in the temple. A tough work of seeding, day after day, whose deserved harvest, between residence permits to be renewed and fake pay checks, still appears very far.
After a world wide tour of the movie we finally provide to release The Harvest with punjabi subtitles, to spread around the international sikh communities the movie and denounce the exploitation of this community in the italian agricolture system.
Director assistant, editing: Angelica Gentilini
Seconda camera operator: Nicola Zambelli
Original Soundtrack and audio post: Claudio Cadei
Language: Italian and english with punjabi subtitles
Genre: Human rights and conflicts
Year: 2017
Running time: 73 minutes
File resolution:
Film festivals
- Special Mention Warsaw HumanDoc Film Festival 2017 (Poland)
- Winner Best Documentary Noida International FF 2018 (India)
- IDFA – Doc for sale 2017 (Holland)
- Second Prize Finca Buenos Aires 2018 (Argentina)
- Cinemambiente Torino 2018 – Panorama (Italy)
- San Francisco Green Film Festival 2018 (USA)
- Sikhlens FF 2018 (USA)