Any step is a place to practice

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Set in a three hundred year old Japanese temple, Any Step is A Place To Practice
is a documentary in eight chapters on the relationship that the tightrope walker Andrea Loreni has with his cable and with the void, with balance and imbalance, with Zen and tightrope walking.
Being in the here and now is elaborated and welcomed through the thoughts and encounters of the tightrope walker on his journey, the relationship with his rigger Daniele Gili and the stories of the abbess of the temple, inviting the viewer to reflect on their daily obstacles.
Walking on a 14mm cable thus becomes a research that involves body, mind and spirituality.
In a constant journey between Italy and Japan, heaven and earth, the documentary, written, directed and edited by the avantpost duo – Gabriele Maffiodo and Enrico Salmasi – on his directorial debut, follows the philosopher tightrope walker during his conferences on the relationship between Zen and acrobatics and during his stay at the temple where, to celebrate the 77th birthday of master Shodo Harada Roshi, he crossed the lake on his steel cable.
The music was composed and played by Julia Kent, Canadian cellist.
The documentary was also made thanks to a crowdfunding campaign on the Eppela platform and to the participation of the audience of the Zen and tightrope walking conferences.
Directed by avantpost:
videolab Turin, founded in 2016 by two video editors, Gabriele Maffiodo and Enrico Salmasi.
Thanks to a past experience in the panorama of Italian post productions, in these first years of life avantpost has collaborated with advertising agencies creating TV commercials, videos for events and for the web for Maserati, Alfa Romeo and Jeep; he edited the second edition of Sabrina Donadel’s Private Collection television series and edited the satellite web promotion videos to the series, produced and directed music clips for Julia Kent, Arturocontromano and Contropotere.
With the documentary Any Step Is A Place To Practice avantpost signs his directorial debut in the documentary field.
Directed by: avantpost
Script: avantpost
Editing: avantpost
Soundtrack: Julia Kent
Cinematography: Jess Immanuel Bom
Production: Andrea Loreni, avantpost
Language: Italian