Who does not know how to go back home?

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“Who does not know how to go back home?”. Since their childhood, Louay, Yazan and Rami used to play together around the football fields in Syria’s Yarmouk Palestinian camp. With the intensification of the conflict around Damascus, they have took shelter in Borj el-Barajneh camp, along Beirut suburbs, where they currently defend the colour of Al-Aqsa team, the palestinian team of the camp.
Stefano, Italian researcher and Al-Aqsa player, drives us inside the camp and inside the daily life of his teammates. Confined at the margins of the society and its football system, palestinian and syrian refugees run after the improbable chance to wear the jersey of the most famous Lebanese teams. Footballization is a docu-movie played among Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, where the football rythm merges with the daily life stories inside and outside the camp.
Subject: Stefano Fogliata
Production: Tr3sessanta
Soundtrack: Francesco Agostini, Khebez Dawle, Montecarlo Band
Animations: Francesco Zanotti
Language: Italian, english, arabic
Film festivals
- Premio Daena Miglior Documentario Festival Corto e a Capo 2020 - Winner
- ICFF Montreal/Toronto 2019
- My Art Film Festival 2019
- Adriatic Film Festival 2019
- Mediterraneo Video Festival 2019
- Festival del Cinema Povero 2020
- Al Ard Doc Film Festival 2020