The bluest eyes

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Movie file + ebook.
The narrative of a heroic page in the history of Italy: the forgotten journey of 70.000 children from the South to the North of Italy during the second post-war period. Between 1946 and 1952 more than 70.000 southern children were saved from hunger and disease thanks to the effort and solidarietà of woman and man who build a new Italy. This is their story.
The creation of the “Comitati per la salvezza dei bambini” (Committees for the rescue of children”) is an example of a both spontaneous and organized action that tied together the North and the South of the country, the rich and the poor, in the common effort to support childhood. With the co-ordination of the Italian Communist Party and thank to the strenuous work of women who had just been admitted to political activity, 70.000 children from Southern Italy were given the chance to stay with wealthier families from the Central and Northern Italy for shorter or longer periods of times. A neglected page of social even more than political history, almost unknown and never studied before, nonetheless a bright example of co-operation: A country in a difficult moment of its history – like Italy in post-war period was – rallies to protect its sons.
This documentary tells about the journey of these children – a physical but also symbolic journey that brought together two different “Italies”, distant in language and culture, with the common goal to give hope to the most vulnerable part of the population.
Historic videos, puctures, interviene and 2D animation follows the common thread of these memories.
Director: Manolo Turri dall'Orto
Subject: Simona Cappiello
Editing: Manolo Turri dall'Orto
Animation: Marino Guarnieri
Actress: Ilaria Vitale
Voice off: Natale Ciravolo
Voce over: Nunzia Schiano
Mentored by: Comune di Napoli, Comune di Modena, Fondazione Valenzi, Film Commission Campania
Production: Fondazione Gerardo Chiaromonte, ParteUtile, La città del sole
Language: Italian