Rojava. A Call to Arms

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In May 2017, Charlie left everything behind to go and fight against ISIS in Rojava, Kurdistan, a Middle Eastern utopia based on the notions of feminism and equality.
Charlie recalls what it is like to be at war with ISIS and takes us to an outpost in the battle of Raqqa, ISIS’ capital.
As Charlie re-adapts to ordinary British life, his comrades in Syria are still fighting and paying the price. But if the price is high, so are the stakes.
Directed by:
Richard Moyse
Subjcet, cinematography, editing: Richard Moyse
Soundtrack: Ben Mowat, Ashley Watts
Language: Italian, english, kurdish
Subjcet, cinematography, editing: Richard Moyse
Soundtrack: Ben Mowat, Ashley Watts
Language: Italian, english, kurdish
Film festivals
- Miglior Cortometraggio Documentario del mese, Prisma Rome Indipendent Film Awards Ottobre 2018
- Selezione Ufficiale, Manifesto Film Festival, 2019
- Semi-Finalista, Sunday Shorts Film Festival, 2018
- Semi-Finalista, New Harvest Film Festival, 2019
- Selezione Ufficiale, First-Time Filmmaker Sessions, Lift-Off Global Network,2019