Alone we stand

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Is it possible to direct a play remotely? Is it possible to avoid the isolation of a Palestinian theatre company? An Intifada made of irony, a struggle for freedom on Skype, e-mails and intercontinental phone calls is what director Pietro Floridia and Al-Harah Theatre in Beit Jala (West Bank) fought.
Directed by:
Fulvio Rifuggio,
Alessia Del Bianco
Story by: Fulvio Rifuggio, Alessia Del Bianco, Pietro Floridia
Original music: Reem Talhami
Produced by: Mexapya Produktio & Trecentoatesta Documentari
Language: Italian, English and Arabic
Story by: Fulvio Rifuggio, Alessia Del Bianco, Pietro Floridia
Original music: Reem Talhami
Produced by: Mexapya Produktio & Trecentoatesta Documentari
Language: Italian, English and Arabic